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What Are the Signs of Heroin Use?

signs of heroin use

Treating an addiction to heroin takes commitment and discipline, and the first step is recognizing that you have a problem and getting help. If you have a loved one you think is battling an addiction, there are certain signs that you can look out for to know if it’s time to step in and help them get help. The Palo Verde Wellness treatment team is available to answer any questions you have and assist with helping you get treatment for yourself or a loved one.

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Heroin Use?

There can be different signs and symptoms of heroin use to look out for, depending on how someone is using the drug. In addition to looking for drug paraphernalia like smoking pipes, rubber tubing for injecting, or used needles, many physical and behavioral signs can indicate heroin use, especially if the user is trying to hide their drug use from family and friends.

Some of the most recognizable signs are:

  • Paranoia
  • Poor communication or slurring
  • Constant skin itching
  • Track marks on skin or collapsed veins from injection
  • Weakened immune system (easily gets sick)
  • Respiratory or heart issues
  • Dilated pupils
  • Regular constipation or cramping
  • Overly tired from lack of sleep
  • Irregular menstruation in women
  • Unusual odors on them or their clothes
  • Unusually poor hygiene
  • Social withdrawal from friends and family
  • Poor grades or work performance
  • Trouble with finances
  • Wearing pants and long sleeves when it’s hot out (to hide injection sites)

Treatment For Heroin Addiction

Heroin comes from the poppy plant, just like morphine and opioid-based painkillers. The chemicals in heroin attach themselves to the mu-opioid receptors when they enter your body, which results in a large release of dopamine. This is the process that gives users a false feeling of happiness. Because heroin works so quickly to produce this “high,” it makes it very addictive. This is true even if the drug is used in small amounts.

One of the biggest reasons many say they do not seek treatment is the withdrawal symptoms that come with detoxing from the drug. The withdrawal symptoms are severe, so it is best to detox under medical supervision so they can be expertly managed.

Withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Increased heroin cravings
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Insomnia
  • Cold and hot flashes
  • Spasms

The Palo Verde Wellness team works with each individual to create a unique and customized treatment plan for each person. Everyone’s recovery journey is different, and we make sure each person is set up to succeed with the right tools in their recovery journey.

Palo Verde Wellness Offers Treatment For Heroin Addiction

There is no cure for addiction, but there are effective treatment programs to rid yourself of the substance and arm yourself with the tools to avoid a relapse. Recognizing the signs of heroin use is the first step in helping yourself or a loved one get the help that is greatly needed. Receiving treatment in an environment in a healing environment from those that understand addiction firsthand is what sets Palo Verde Wellness apart. When considering treatment in Palm Springs, we encourage you to consider the expertise of our team and our beautiful campus designed to take advantage of all that nature and the outdoors has to offer in the area.

In addition to treating heroin addiction, Palo Verde Wellness can help treat:

  • Alcohol addiction
  • Benzo addiction
  • Cocaine addiction
  • Meth addiction
  • Opioid/opiate addiction
  • Prescription drug addiction

Give our professional and caring treatment team a call today at 760-359-2180 to learn more about your options to help you, or a loved one best deal with an addiction to heroin or another substance.