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5 Benefits of a Women’s Rehab Program

benefits of women's rehab

When you choose to get treatment for an addiction to drugs or alcohol, you should feel confident that you have made the right choice for yourself. Lifelong recovery is the goal of any treatment program, and finding one that offers gender-responsive treatment catering to women is even more advantageous. Being able to receive treatment in a comfortable setting from professionals who understand your experience sets you up for success from the moment you walk through the doors. You’ll leave armed with the right tools to live a newly sober life and prevent a relapse. If you need help finding a rehab specifically designed for women, Palo Verde Wellness can help. Our treatment team is standing to answer any questions about your options. Let us help you find a women’s rehab program that meets your needs.

Benefits of Women’s Rehab

Women turn to drugs or alcohol for different reasons. It could involve peer and social pressures, toxic relationships, and abuse at work or home. Women’s rehab programs can provide women with gender-specific treatments so that they do not have the distraction of the opposite sex during their treatment and recovery.

Benefits of women’s rehab include:

  1. A better understanding of where addiction stems from. Uncovering the root cause that led to your unique addiction experience is a major part of the treatment experience.
  2. Focusing on women’s issues. When women are among other women and being led by women as part of their recovery journey, they are empowered.
  3. The chance to develop coping skills that work. Clinicians work with women on ways to cope with their specific issues. Group therapy allows the opportunity to practice skills among peers.
  4. Building confidence. Knowledge is power, and when women get the chance to rediscover that they have the power within themselves to be stronger than their addiction, it will change their point of view.
  5. Working on healthy relationships. By building relationships with other women in the group, you can learn how to repair relationships outside of rehab that your addiction may have damaged.

Women’s Addiction Treatment

A women’s rehab program follows the same steps as most substance use disorder treatment programs. Detox may be necessary as the first step to wean you off of the drugs or alcohol in a safe, structured, and professionally supervised way. Then counseling with trained therapists to better understand the root causes of addiction. Finally, you’ll learn practical coping skills before you fully reenter society.

Women’s rehab is beneficial to women who have experienced:

  • Domestic or sexual abuse
  • Emotional abuse
  • Confusion about gender or sexual identity
  • Pressure to conform to outdated female roles
  • Infidelity

Some women may prefer a gender-specific rehab experience, and that choice is their own and supported by any women’s rehab program. Palo Verde Wellness offers a full range of treatments, therapeutic modalities, and services, including:

  • Group therapy
  • Experiential therapies
  • Anger management
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Neurotherapy
  • Sound baths
  • Alumni programs

Palo Verde Wellness Offers Gender-Responsive Treatment

The team at Palo Verde Wellness understands that women face unique issues when dealing with addiction. Many of our clinicians are women who have battled a substance use disorder and now work to help others find a life beyond addiction, just like they were able to. Gender-responsive treatment programs allow women to be more comfortable among a group of other women sharing similar experiences. This is especially true if the trauma that led to their addiction was inflicted or caused by a male. Female counselors work alongside women in our gender-responsive programs.

If you have questions about women’s rehab or other treatment programs for drug and alcohol addiction, contact us today at 760-359-2180.