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Addiction Treatment Programs

Find Complete Healing at Palo Verde Wellness

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When you reach out to Palo Verde Wellness, you’ll find addiction treatment programs in Palm Springs that offer many services to support recovery. These services include counseling and support groups, as these are critical for long-term recovery. Our addiction treatment center in Palm Springs can address all aspects of addiction, including its effects on the client’s mind, body, and spirit. To learn more about our treatment programs, please contact our team today at 760-359-2180.

Partial Hospitalization Program – Phase I

Our partial hospitalization program (PHP) meets five days a week. Programming primarily consists of group therapy in intimate groups of 12 people or fewer. Patients return home after programming. Alternatively, those who are eligible can utilize our sober living facility off-campus. PHP programming offers a more structured treatment program. Therefore, it can be helpful for those who have recently completed residential substance use treatment or who would benefit from more intensive treatment. PHP focuses on preparing the client to transition to an intensive outpatient program and the eventual return to work or other life responsibilities.

In this level of care, a client continues to live at home or in our supportive living home located just steps from our treatment center but participates in group and individual sessions at the treatment center.

Intensive Outpatient Program – Phase II

Our intensive outpatient program (IOP) meets roughly three days a week. IOP programming consists of group therapy sessions and allows flexibility for working adults. IOP focuses on reintegration into daily life and utilization of skills as challenges arise in early recovery. In Phase II, the client is still required to attend all group and individual sessions. Clients will also learn interviewing skills, resume building, and relapse trigger awareness. The treatment team may decide to allow individuals to actively seek part-time employment or volunteer work to begin practicing newfound sober skills outside the program after completing the following tasks:
  • They remain current on all written and reading assignments
  • The client has no write-ups
  • They have tested negative on all drug and alcohol screening tests
  • They follow directions and program rules
  • The client meets treatment planning objectives
  • They have emotional stability
Our intensive outpatient program offers a day track (10 am – 1 pm) or an evening track (5:30 pm – 8:30 pm).

Outpatient – Phase III

Palo Verde Wellness offers outpatient programs, referred to as Phase III. It consists of one and a half hours per week of clinical treatment hours. This is designed with a client-centered approach that begins the process of giving a person more responsibility through increased independence. Clients see a therapist or counselor once a week for one hour or attend one and a half hours of groups that are geared towards each person becoming proactive in their recovery effort.

Therapy Programs

We offer a range of therapeutic, including but are not limited to:

Healing the Mind – Evidence-Based Clinical Approaches

There are a number of evidence-based clinical approaches that have been found to be effective in treating mental health disorders, including:

  • Neurofeedback
  • Somatic experiencing (SE)
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • A weekly individual counseling session
  • Eye movement desensitization reprocessing (EMDR)

Healing the Body – Experiential Therapy

Experiential therapies provide a way for people to begin re-engaging with their bodies in a safe and controlled environment. These therapies can help support the healing process by allowing people to explore their emotions and sensations in a safe environment and learn how to cope with them in a healthy way. We offer a range of experiential therapies, such as:

  • Yoga
  • Tai-chi
  • Nutritional education
  • Life/social skills training

Healing the Soul – Connection

Recovery is not just about abstaining from drugs and alcohol; it’s also about finding a new way to live. A big part of that is developing a support system and connections with other people who are on the same journey. We offer treatments such as:

  • Sound bath
  • Conscious recovery
  • School of recovery
  • The four agreements
  • Meditation and mindfulness
  • Spiritual exploration group

We also offer wellness coaching sessions sessions. These sessions can help you to develop skills you can utlize outside of treatment to stay healthy and maintain your sobriety.

Learn More at Palo Verde Wellness

Palo Verde Wellness is proud to provide care for those struggling with addiction and mental health disorders. With the help of our wide range of therapeutic approaches, we can create a treatment plan that is tailored to your unique needs. If you would like to learn more about our programs, please contact us today at 760-359-2180 or complete our convenient online form.