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Alumni Program

Find Complete Healing at Palo Verde Wellness

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alumni program palm springs Staying connected to a peer support group is crucial to recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. This includes beyond completion of addiction treatment programs at a treatment facility. This is where an alumni program comes in. Every layer of support you can lean on is important to recovery and preventing a relapse. To learn more about what an alumni program looks like and its benefits, give our team a call today at 760-359-2180.

What Is An Alumni Program?

Simply put, an alumni program offers a way to receive continuing treatment for a dependence on drugs or alcohol. It’s recommended for those who have completed a residential or outpatient treatment program through an accredited addiction treatment facility. Through the program, participants have a group of peers they can count on when needed. The road to sobriety is tough, and the more support one has when the hurdles are hard to overcome, the better.

Those who continue with their addiction treatment through an alumni program have been proven less likely to relapse than those who leave treatment and do not seek additional support to help them on their recovery journey. Re-entering your life following treatment presents a high risk of relapse on its own, and without the right support, it’s likely.

Some of the things an alumni program can include are:

  • Learning coping skills among peers going through the same experience
  • Mentors for those just starting their recovery
  • A strong network of support to help stay sober
  • Exercises and activities to boost self-esteem and confidence
  • Ways to Improve overall physical and mental health
  • A higher sense of purpose in helping others in recovery
  • Behavioral therapies for those dealing with negative feelings and emotions

Finding an Addiction Alumni Program in Palm Springs

When looking for an alumni program, it’s important to look for these three pillars of a well-designed and structured program.

Peer Support

This is the main pillar that alumni programs are built on. To be able to be among people you can share similar experiences and learn from those experiences is highly beneficial. It’s all about advice, resources, and support to provide the tools you need to thrive. Similar experiences can tell you how they overcame particular struggles. These peers will have your back when you need them to.

Continuing Care

With an alumni program, you can receive the continuing care recommended for every person after they leave rehab. While not everyone takes advantage of it, those who see the benefits lean on the program members for support. For some, alumni programs are what keep them sober. It’s a place and a community of people where you can continue to work on yourself for the better. Alumni programs can offer education and training resources for those looking to re-enter the workforce following treatment.

Healthy Relationships

The support you can find in alumni programs can help you build healthy relationships among peers and guide you to repairing the ones that suffered because of your substance use disorder. As much as you can eliminate environments that can trigger you to use drugs or alcohol, the healthier you will be.

Finding programs led by professionals and peers who have been down the road that you have, is highly beneficial to a successful recovery outcome. At Palo Verde Wellness, our clinicians are highly trained individuals who also intimately understand the process as they recover.

Palo Verde Wellness Can Help With Addiction Treatment

At Palo Verde Wellness, our new addiction treatment facility in the heart of Palm Springs is designed to help those battling a dependence on drugs and alcohol.

Our facility can help treat:

  • Alcohol addiction
  • Benzo addiction
  • Cocaine addiction
  • Heroin addiction
  • Meth addiction
  • Opioid/opiate addiction

For more information on the treatment programs available, including an alumni program, contact our knowledgeable team today at 760-359-2180.