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4 Benefits of an Addiction Alumni Program

benefits of addiction alumni program

Achieving sobriety is not easy. So, the more support one has when the going gets tough, the better. Plus, support does not have to end once you leave treatment for a substance use disorder. An alumni program can benefit anyone who has battled a substance use disorder. It doesn’t matter whether you have recently completed an addiction treatment program or have been in recovery for a while and have suffered a relapse or two. At Palo Verde wellness, our alums are never without support when needed. Alumni programming can be offered in various ways, including virtual meetings and in-person counseling.

Contact us today at 760-359-2180 to learn more about the alum program at Palo Verde Wellness in Palm Springs.

What is An Addiction Alumni Program?

An alum program offers a sober support system to lean on at any time during your recovery. Many feel a little lost when they leave a treatment facility. So they can benefit from a bit of the structure and support they had while in treatment to maintain a successful recovery from drug or alcohol addiction. Way to receive continuing treatment for a dependence on drugs or alcohol. It can benefit anyone who has completed a residential or outpatient treatment program at an addiction treatment facility. Participants in an alum program can have the support of a group of peers that they can count on when they need them. In turn, they can also offer to support themselves.

Getting back to everyday life following treatment can be hard to navigate on your own. There is a high risk of relapse without the right support. Alumni programs have proven to lessen the chance of relapse greatly.

An alum program can offer:

  • Invaluable mentors
  • Coping skills shared by peers also in recovery
  • A strong sober support network
  • Programming to aid in the confidence to overcome addiction
  • Activities to improve physical and mental health
  • The satisfaction of being able to help others in recovery
  • Behavioral therapies for those dealing with negative feelings and emotions

Benefits of An Addiction Alumni Program

To best manage triggers that arise once you leave treatment, a support system like the one in an alum program has many benefits. This additional support helps to stay the course and reduce the risk of relapse.

The benefits of addiction alum programs include:

  1. Sober Support: Having the support of peers and mentors as part of a program you can participate in at any time during your recovery is invaluable. Alumni programs provide a way for people in recovery to connect with each other, seek and share advice, and be a source of continual support. This can give you the tools needed to thrive in your work and home life while coping with stress more healthily. Many find a sober accountability partner through an alumni program that they connect with and build a long-term relationship with.
  2. A Continuum of Care: Alumni programs offer ongoing support in order to help maintain recovery, avoid relapse, and remove addiction from the equation. This continuing care sets you up for success and provides the tools needed to thrive in your everyday life. Many programs even offer resources like job skills training and employment placement services to help the transition from treatment to recovery.
  3. Healthy Relationships: Alumni programs also focus on building – or rebuilding – healthy relationships. Addiction can cause major strain on important relationships, and can even cause some irreparable damage. Being able to spend time learning how to rebuild and create new healthy relationships can be key to recovery and lifelong sobriety.
  4. Less Chance of Relapse: Alumni addiction programs have proven to reduce the risk of relapse because the individual has a support network that is always available when they need it. This peer support helps them to tackle triggers constructively and teach others to do the same.

Palo Verde Wellness Offers An Addiction Alumni Program

The benefits of staying connected to mentors and peers once you leave treatment are crucial to successful recovery and avoiding relapse. This is why at Palo Verde Wellness, an alum program is an integral part of our treatment and recovery experience. It’s all about having a strong sober support system.

Palo Verde Wellness offers treatment for:

  • Alcohol addiction
  • Meth addiction
  • Benzo addiction
  • Heroin addiction
  • Prescription drug addiction
  • Cocaine addiction
  • Opioid/opiate addiction

To learn more about the benefits of an alum program, reach out to the Palo Verde Wellness team today at 760-359-2180.