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4 Signs Your Loved One Is Suffering from Addiction

a woman holds a youth as they discuss the signs of addiction

A substance disorder does not discriminate, meaning that the disease can affect anyone. Having a physical dependence on drugs or alcohol that causes your life to be turned upside down is what addiction looks like from the inside. There are different signs you can look for if you are unsure if a loved one is suffering from addiction. Once you have determined that help is needed, do not delay. Getting help as soon as possible gives your loved one the best chance at a successful recovery and long-term sobriety. To learn more about what to look for and the choices in an addiction treatment program, give the Palo Verde Wellness team a call today at 760-359-2180.

Signs of Addiction

To best help a loved one, there are some signs to look for to determine if addiction treatment is needed.

1. They Are Sick All the Time

Extreme drug or alcohol use can wreak havoc on the body’s immune system. If you notice a loved one is sick more often than they are not, then it’s cause for concern.

2. They Lack Focus and Clarity

If you notice that a loved one’s memory, mental clarity, or ability to focus seems compromised, then that could be a sign of drug or alcohol dependence.

3. You Notice Changes in Appearance

A dependence on drugs and alcohol can cause severe weight loss that can be very unhealthy and lead to other serious health conditions.

4. There Are Changes in Behavior

Have you noticed a loved one who once had a passion for a hobby or activity is suddenly no longer interested? Do you find them lying to explain the change in their behavior? This can be due to the effects of a substance use disorder, causing them to lose motivation and drive.

What Should You Look for in an Addiction Treatment Program?

Addiction treatment programs can look different depending on where treatment is received and the methods used. If you are not sure what to look for, here are a few things that you should consider with any credible addiction treatment program:

  • What kind of support the treatment program offers
  • The experience and training of the treatment team
  • Type of treatment, including evidence-based and therapeutic modalities
  • Family involvement
  • The level of treatment customization and personalization
  • If there any aftercare programs available
  • What type of payment the program accepts

What Does Addiction Treatment Look Like?

Some treatment facilities, like Palo Verde Wellness, take a holistic approach to treating addiction. That can include positive psychology, motivational therapies, meditative therapies, and addressing past traumas. Treatment teams include clinicians as well as nutritionists, life coaches, and yoga instructors to assist with therapies like:

  • Anger management
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy
  • Experiential therapies like yoga and nature
  • Sound baths
  • Group therapy

Palo Verde Wellness Knows What Addiction Looks Like

Addiction affects every part of a person’s life, including the relationships with the people they care about. The best thing you can do as a friend or family member is to recognize that they are struggling and find them the help they need.

At Palo Verde Wellness, professional clinicians and social workers develop and direct our substance abuse programs. Our team includes individuals who have experienced addiction and are in recovery themselves. The team is caring, compassionate, and completely understanding of everything your loved one is going through. We use many therapeutic modalities and offer an 18-bed facility with a variety of programming to treat substance use disorders in a brand new facility in picturesque Palm Springs.

Our expert treatment team is ready to answer any questions you have about a dependency on drugs or alcohol and how you can best help a loved one that is struggling. Call us today at 760-359-2180.