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Importance of Group Therapy for Addiction Recovery

a crowd of people discuss group therapy and addiction recovery

Regarding addiction treatment, different therapeutic approaches will work better for some than they will for others. The best plan for your treatment will depend on many things, including what circumstances led to your addiction, your overall physical and mental health, and your goals. The therapies you receive during treatment can include everything from group and individual therapy to nature therapy and anger management. Group therapy is one of the most common treatments you will find as part of any program for substance use disorders. Being among peers as you go through treatment and recovery has many benefits. For more information on the group therapy program at Palo Verde Wellness, give our team a call today at 760-359-2180.

Benefits of Group Therapy

Group therapy revolves around a group of people who are struggling with similar issues. Going through this journey with like-minded people will set you up for a successful recovery. The people in your group can become an extended part of your support network. You may even build strong relationships with them outside of therapy. Group therapy is also a great way to learn new skills and strategies for coping with addiction from your peers and the professionals leading the group.

Benefits of group therapy include:

  • A strong group of supporters when you’re struggling with addiction – In your group, you are one of many navigating the same road. It makes it easier to share your experiences and learn from each other.
  • Building lasting relationships – Group therapy allows for strong bonds to be formed among all in the group. These relationships can grow outside of therapy so that you have friends to share the good times and the bad as you work to maintain your sobriety outside of a treatment center.
  • Learning coping skills – Group therapy allows you to develop strategies and hear from peers what worked for them and why.
  • Gain insight into your own behavior – When you share with others and hear their feedback, your point of view on your own experiences can change.
  • Not being alone in the process – Sometimes, going through something like treatment alone can feel isolating and hard to motivate. A group can help keep you going towards that goal when you are having an especially hard time doing so.

Group Therapy at Palo Verde

Many people believe that they will never be able to achieve sobriety on their own, which is why group therapy is so advantageous. It shows those that are struggling that they do not have to go through the process alone. Better yet, they can go through the process with others dealing with the same struggles right alongside them. Group therapy is led by counselors who have gone through treatment themselves and are currently in recovery. Clients can learn firsthand how sobriety is achieved.

Group therapy offers a basic structure that most addiction treatment centers will follow is:

  •  A group of people with shared struggles meet together
  • The group is led by a certified and experienced therapist or counselor to guide the discussion
  • Parameters for discussion are set so that the group stays focused and everyone can participate

When group therapy sessions meet, they usually last for an hour or two. Everyone in the group is encouraged to share in some way. This could be by sharing an experience, their struggles, or even asking for some advice.

Getting Help At Palo Verde Wellness

At Palo Verde Wellness, we assist men and women who want to achieve sobriety. Our substance abuse programs are developed and directed by professional clinicians and social workers who are in recovery themselves. If you’re struggling with addiction, you should consider group therapy as part of your treatment. We believe that with the right support, recovery is absolutely possible.

The treatment team here in Palm Springs will work together with you to personalize a treatment experience that combines traditional and experiential therapies. Group therapy is part of the mix, alongside other therapies, including:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) treatment
  • Yoga and nature therapy
  • Anger management
  • Motivational interviewing

If you or a loved one are considering treatment for a substance use disorder in Riverside, San Diego, or Orange County, California, then call 760-359-2180 today to speak with our team.