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Holistic Therapy

Find Complete Healing at Palo Verde Wellness

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holistic therapy program palm springsConsider a holistic approach if you are considering treatment for a drug or alcohol addiction. Holistic doesn’t necessarily mean alternative. Think of it as a complementary mix of therapeutic approaches. A holistic treatment program addresses a person’s well-being through psychological, emotional, and physical approaches. Traditional clinical therapies combined with alternative therapies can set you above for the greatest chance of success while in treatment and recovery for the long haul. The addiction therapy program at Palo Verde Wellness focuses on a holistic approach to treating each client who comes to us looking to recover from a substance use disorder.

Holistic Treatment For Drug and Alcohol Addiction

Whatever treatment approach you choose, the goal should be to give you the tools you need to manage the stress, trauma, and triggers in your life that can lead you back to drinking or using drugs again. Holistic therapies complement evidence-based treatment practices perfectly.

Holistic therapies used during addiction treatment at Palo Verde Wellness include:

  •     Meditative therapy
  •     Motivational interviewing
  •     Nutrition education and counseling
  •     Yoga therapy
  •     Sound baths
  •     Person-centered therapy
  •     Adventure therapy

Addiction therapy programs across the country incorporate a more holistic therapy approach because of the proven research showing its benefits. The additional support and layers assist in the ultimate goal of long-lasting recovery.

Holistic Therapy Program Benefits in Palm Springs

No one person’s experience with drug and alcohol treatment is the same. For this reason, offering an individualized treatment plan for each person receiving treatment is beneficial. While detoxing is usually the first step in receiving treatment, it doesn’t end there. It’s important to understand what contributed to the person’s addiction and learn skills to help manage those triggers to prevent relapse. A holistic treatment approach allows people to get the necessary medical and clinical treatment alongside experiential therapies to set them up for success and sobriety.

Unfortunately, relapse is common among those who have battled a substance use disorder. Even after completing a treatment program, it is hard to re-enter your life post-rehab and not slip up. A holistic therapy approach can help people maintain sobriety better once they leave treatment.

Holistic therapy benefits include:


Beyond the more obvious clinical benefits of traditional therapy, being outside and enjoying nature, meditating, and eating well all benefit the body and your health. Not to mention the mental benefits on top of the physical benefits. Specific physical benefits can be lower blood pressure and stress reduction.


When you have the opportunity to engage in things like yoga, acupuncture, meditation, or massage as part of a holistic treatment approach, you can clear your mind to make room for a more positive outlook on life. Plus, these are practices you can take with you and incorporate into your everyday life post-treatment. You’ll manage stress better and improve your self-esteem. All of these things contribute to a lower relapse rate in the future.

Palo Verde Wellness Offers Holistic Treatment

If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, we encourage you to reach out today and find out more about your options for substance abuse treatment. The team at Palo Verde Wellness is ready to help you change your life for the better at our treatment facility in bucolic Palm Springs, California. This healing environment is equipped with professionals and programs to make your treatment and recovery as successful as possible. Our holistic approach is individualized for each unique person we treat.

Our programs and services include:

  •     Aftercare program
  •     Alcohol addiction rehab
  •     Alumni program
  •     Benzo addiction rehab
  •     Cocaine addiction rehab
  •     Heroin addiction rehab
  •     Intensive outpatient program (IOP)
  •     Men’s rehab program
  •     Meth addiction rehab
  •     Women’s rehab program
  •     Sober living
  •     Neurofeedback
  •     Opioid and opiate addiction rehab
  •     Partial hospitalization program (PHP)
  •     Prescription drug rehab

If you are ready to take the first step towards recovery, call us today at 760-359-2180.